Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Piano

Tonight, as I am writing this post, I'm listening to my mother play the piano for the first time in a long time. She used to play so much more, and the last time I heard her was last Christmas I believe. 

My brother, Brandyn, and I used to lay under the piano together when we were really little and listen to her play. It's amazing how all of the old songs that are so familiar to me come flooding back to her beautiful hands in just a few minutes. 

Tonight was a really good night. I'm on a two week break from school, and Brandyn is coming to the end of his schooling all together. I noticed he has been more relaxed the past few days, and so have I.
Everyone was laughing and talking together at dinner like we used to. Then all of us kids went and crawled into mom and dad's bed with them like we use to, and talked and laughed some more. 
After everyone went their separate ways to go to bed, I heard the piano playing off in the other living room.  Hannah walked in and looked at me with shiny eyes, gave me a faint smile, and we both went in to the living room to hear mom play.
Isn't funny how when life slows down, those wonderful family moments come back? I feel as if I were little again. 

I pray that as life goes on and we all get much older, we will still have those precious family moments that makes us feel young at heart again. 

Just thought I would share this special moment that I cherish when it comes around. 
Have a blessed night dear friends!

God Bless :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Miss Mary Engelbreit

Alright is time I introduce to you my all time favorite artist...Mary Engelbreit.

The art work Mary Engelbreit to me the warmest there is. She displays such comfort, and brightness in her pictures. There is a feeling I can't really describe when I see her why don't I let you see and feel it for yourself. :)

Without further adieu...I present
Mary Engelbreit.

Now tell me you don't want to curl up with a hot cup of tea? ;)

Monday, September 26, 2011

His Righteousness...not ours.

Another brilliant service from Brother Paul today!

I can't help but to feel a little spoiled that God is blessing me with such wonderful services. 

Bro. Paul said something that I had never really thought of before. He said that "yesterdays manna can do us no good. We need fresh mana everyday."

It just kind of clicked with me, that we can't use the same manna every day and expect to survive off of it. That is why God brings us something new in every service, in every Bible study, at every camp. 

The other thing that was pretty wonderful to my heart was God's righteousness. So often we try as hard as we just be better in general. 
The thing's not about us. It's about God and the sacrifice He gave us to be free. It's not about gaining our own righteousness, because we are sinners, we have no righteousness. 
It's about God putting His righteousness in us. Only He can change us and make better. There is nothing we can do to be righteous but surrender to His. 

God created you...with you He created a love in your heart for Him and a desire to serve him. Without it none of us would be able to make it through our Christian journeys. 

So dear friends. Give in to Him. Ask for His righteousness to come alive in you. 
I pray for a more unselfish walk with Him.

"Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point."
C. S. Lewis 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Finals Week!!!

Oh boy, here it is!
I don't think I have ever been more excited about finals in my life time in college. 
After my delicious two week break, I will jet back into another quarter...BUT...this time I will be breaking out my stethoscope, taking care of animals in the lab, and coming home smelling like..who knows what. 

Anyways, keep me in your prayers as I trudge through this week! Then pray that I don't break anything when I get into clinicals :) 

God bless you friends and may you all have a wonderful week!

Thought this was kind of cool :)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Only three more weeks (counting this week) until break!!! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!
In my excitement for the gorgeous Fall weather I have been dreaming of...I forgot one little detail....when you have to wake up early to get ready for school...its dark. 

This morning when my alarm went off...I thought someone was playing a dirty trick on me. Alas...they were not. 
I tried so hard to stay home from class and just sleep...but I remembered what Bro. Paul said in the youth meeting Friday night. 
God has made us stewards over everything He has given us, including school. 
So I smacked myself on the hand, got up and got ready as grumbly as possible...and now I'm killing time before I have to venture out on this rainy day to listen to Dr. Tim lecture on antiparasitics! 

mm. Delicious.
(I would like to apologize now for any vet stuff I may post that brings nausea or discomfort to my readers)

Anyways...let us all keep the school goers in our prayers! Going straight through the summer was hard...but going through the winter is harder! I long for curling up on the couch to crochet and drink tea instead of studying...but it is something God has blessed me with and has given me the ability to do, and I would like to honor Him and do my best at it! 

So for all of the millions of readers I have out there...this antiparasitic lecture is dedicated to you! 

Thank you Lord for this day and for giving me the ability to go to a nice school. 
Forgive me of my grumblings. 
Bless my readers.