Monday, August 5, 2013

Off to Neverland!

Today is the first day of my new job as a vet tech. Yes people...I graduated...finally!!! Part of me wants to look for Tinkerbell so I can fly off to Neverland, and the other part of me is actually excited to start making money, saving...spending :) (My first purchase will be an iphone.)

It's a good transition going from college poor kid to working adult. I was genuinely afraid at first but God, my parents, and dear friend Kendra talked me through all the scary thoughts and I am now on my feet and on my way.

A dear sister friend of mine tells me all the time to trust God for He will tie everything I am worrying about together perfectly. And He has. He also brought my big brother out for my graduation the same day I got my job. :) He's a good God. <3

Love :)