Thursday, June 16, 2011

Mr. Owl...

"Mr. Owl, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?" 

Well...I'm at the end of the quarter for school...and with one week left consisting of nothing but mind gets a little random and usually doesn't stay on one subject for long :) SO...I will make this as quick as possible so I do not switch subjects before I finish!

My new favorite little animal is the owl. They are the cutest things and look great on jewelry or as a decor theme in a home (the theme of my dream kitchen :). 

The first thing most people think about when owls are mentioned, is how wise they are (thanks to Owl from Winnie the Pooh)

Well I decided to do a little research on the history of owls...and most of what I found was that they are associated with death, pain, bad luck,(no thanks to the Romans) and Halloween...not quite what I was hoping for!

But then I found that in Northwestern England and Scotland, where the Romans had not taken over...the owl was seen as a sign of good luck! If one flew over before a battle, it meant victory! That's more like it!

I also found some fun facts about owls to share with you! So without further adieu...


Fun fact #1: An owl has three eyelids. One for blinking, one for sleeping, and one for keeping the eye clean and healthy!

I find him quite humorous!

Fun fact #2: The flattened facial disk of an owl funnels sound to the bird's ears and magnifies it as much as ten times to help the bird hear noises humans cannot hear.

I want to eat hiiim! (not literally)

Fun fact #3: Several owls have ear tufts (not really ears) used to indicate the birds mood, help camouflage them, or show aggression.

Pretty nifty huh?

Fun fact #4: The owl's eyes are held into place by bony sockets and they cannot turn their eyes..BUT...owls can rotate their heads up to 270 degrees! 


Fun fact #5: Owls have specialized feathers with fringes of varying softness to help muffle the sound when flying!

So there you have it folks! I hope you all enjoyed my little "fun facts" session with Mr. Owl :)
Have a blessed day and remember to smile!



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