Sunday, January 8, 2012

My Awesome God

Wow. I just can't get over the way that God is moving in His people! We had another 5 hour service today that was filled with awesome worship. I am just so excited about this revival that is taking place. 

This past quarter of school was a draining one both spiritually and emotionally. But with retreat and last Sundays amazing service I have been revived. It hit me today...that I am so lucky to be living in this time. I have seen God literally turn someone's life around in one service...and that was the first time I had ever seen it. It gives me faith for my friends who are running from God. I'm so excited to see God move not only in myself, but my brothers and sisters all over the world. 

I wish I could describe to you my joy right now dear friends. I would love to quit school and worship God all day long, every day, until He comes to take us home....(fingers crossed) it isn't an impossible desire! Just one that I think will have to wait. 

Anyways, I just wanted to share my excitement with you all! Remember, satan only puts fear and doubt in our hearts because he is afraid of what we can do and he knows that we have the faith and power in us to defeat him. He has lost his grip on us saints. We are taking back our territory and fighting until the end! And we have creative power in our words so confess your testimony! Confess your healing and deliverance! Speak blessings on your loved ones and have faith! We are taking everyone with us on this journey. Satan cannot have a single one. God bless every soul tonight! 


  1. Kimberly, I have watched every testimony service between your church and bro. jeffs!! And I love how one lick of fire can reach all the way up here to british columbia and set my heart rejoicing and hungering for this same experience up here in my church! I love to see what God is doing, and I can only say somewhere inside I have been waiting for this...craving this...praying for this! It is incredible to listen to these testimonies and just feel like this is a continuation of Acts! Bible days in 2012! Praise the Lord! Thank you for this post! I am so encouraged :)

  2. Isn't it incredible? I'm so glad that this encouraged you! I love how something like that can spread all over the world. Bro. Paul went to Belgium this past week for a youth camp and he said it was the exact same thing there! Praise God!
