Friday, October 11, 2013

My home called Texas

For the past two weeks I've been in Belton, TX at my grandparent's house. It has been at least two years since I've been here to see them. And the moment I walked in the door, familiar smells and memories from my childhood flooded in.

It was after I took my suitcase to the backroom and found my seat in the family room when it hit me... This place was home. This place was where my spiritual roots came from, as I could always hear Brother Branham playing somewhere in the background, or my grandpa praying in his office, or my grandma singing Beaulah land as she did the dishes. It's also a place where, even if the people changed, the house and memories never did.

Tonight is our last night here and I can't help but wish I could stay longer. I had a pretty hard time being away from my church and good friends back home, but my heart breaks knowing I have to leave my wonderful grandparents in the morning.

I thank the Lord so much for the two people He gave me as grandparents. Truly they are wariors of the gospel and I can't wait for the day we cross into eternity so we never have to say goodbye. I'm thankful for my time here and I will cherish sitting with my grandpa every day at two o'clock to watch westerns and laying at the foot of my grandma's bed while she watched the news. I love you both very much.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Off to Neverland!

Today is the first day of my new job as a vet tech. Yes people...I graduated...finally!!! Part of me wants to look for Tinkerbell so I can fly off to Neverland, and the other part of me is actually excited to start making money, saving...spending :) (My first purchase will be an iphone.)

It's a good transition going from college poor kid to working adult. I was genuinely afraid at first but God, my parents, and dear friend Kendra talked me through all the scary thoughts and I am now on my feet and on my way.

A dear sister friend of mine tells me all the time to trust God for He will tie everything I am worrying about together perfectly. And He has. He also brought my big brother out for my graduation the same day I got my job. :) He's a good God. <3

Love :)

Monday, May 13, 2013

A little quote from the Chronicles of Narnia: The Last Battle. I can't really explain what this book meant to me. I suggest you read it...all of them...then take a look at the Bible. C.S. Lewis had a deep revelation...

Anyway, here it is:

“It is as hard to explain how this sunlit land was different from the old Narnia as it would be to tell you how the fruits of that country taste. Perhaps you will get some idea of it if you think like this. You may have been in a room in which there was a window that looked out on a lovely bay of the sea or a green valley that wound away among mountains. And in the wall of that room opposite to the window there may have been a looking-glass. And as you turned away from the window you suddenly caught sight of that sea or that valley, all over again, in the looking glass. And the sea in the mirror, or the valley in the mirror, were in one sense just the same as the real ones: yet at the same time they were somehow different - deeper, more wonderful, more like places in a story: in a story you have never heard but very much want to know. The difference between the old Narnia and the new Narnia was like that. The new one was a deeper country: every rock and flower and blade of grass looked as if it meant more.” 
― C.S. LewisThe Chronicles of Narnia

Just kind of makes me look forward to that land on the other side.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

A New Chapter

Morning, friends :)

Starting Monday I will be entering a new chapter of my life. I got news this past Tuesday that I passed my last vet class with a B! As I waited for the online grade page to slowly load, the room was dead silent. When that big fat B popped up on the screen I almost cried! 

God is so faithful, mindful, loving, caring..I could go on! He answered every prayer I had in that class and helped me glide right on through! 

So this new chapter that starts on Monday is my internship at a clinic down the road from my house. I'm there three days a week, I have a business letter class two days a week, and will be volunteering at a wild life rehabilitation center one day a week. It sounds like a lot but it all fits together somehow lol 

On another note, I started my seedlings before I left for vacation...came home and most of them have died. *whispers* Don't trust brothers to water your plants unless they know what they're doing. I haven't quite decided if I should just replant them or buy already grown plants...we shall see I suppose! 

I will try to keep updates with my internship and garden plans...that's really all there is to my life at the moment...and jigsaw puzzles...I love jigsaw puzzles :)

Keep it classy friends...

And always face the Son. 

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Snow, Snow, and More Snow!

Well, mother nature continues to tease me. We have been getting the effects of "Snow Storm Rocky" for the past three days...snow, snow, and more snow. 
Only it started out as an ice storm and them melted giving me the hope that it would miss us...nope!

But...I have to admit. Getting up early and opening my curtains to a peaceful snowfall is very relaxing. It may not be the sun ripping through the trees, birds singing, and warm enough weather to go barefoot...but it does have a beauty of its own. :) And it usually ends with a mug of tea the size of my head...


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Doth Spring Cometh?

Greetings dear friends :) I'm sorry it has been so long since I last posted. I've had major writer's block. 

So I felt it was time to post something, whether others think it meaningless or not. Time to warm up the old blog again.

Mother nature teases me so with her one day of 45 degree weather. Giving me hopes that Spring will come again, sooner than one thinks.

In honor of my strong desire of spring, I decided to plant some herbs to set on my window windows are quite cold so I'm not sure this was the best idea ever. Even if my little seedlings don't grow...I have some really cute pots to look at everyday! 

P.S. don't mind the white bowls...I needed drain plates and only had one :)

As I impatiently await Spring to open her doors to me I will enjoy wearing warm tights, drinking many cups of hot tea, and sitting in front of the fireplace while it lasts.

BUT! This will be me again VERY soon!...

Comes from having a mom that likes to take pictures ;)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

All things Beautiful...

I was sitting here thinking about a girl named Amy Courchaine who is currently in the hospital fighting the devil probably harder than any one of us right now. I was writing her a letter when the scripture Ecclesiastes 3:1 came to mind. 

"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:"

Further down in verse 11 it says, "He hath made everything beautiful in his time:" 

It brought peace to my heart. To know that no matter what condition we are in...He will make everything beautiful in His time. How wonderful that is. 

A simple thought...but I had to share. God is so good to us.

Remember to always keep your face to the son...

...for it is there that we find the life.