Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Doth Spring Cometh?

Greetings dear friends :) I'm sorry it has been so long since I last posted. I've had major writer's block. 

So I felt it was time to post something, whether others think it meaningless or not. Time to warm up the old blog again.

Mother nature teases me so with her one day of 45 degree weather. Giving me hopes that Spring will come again, sooner than one thinks.

In honor of my strong desire of spring, I decided to plant some herbs to set on my window windows are quite cold so I'm not sure this was the best idea ever. Even if my little seedlings don't grow...I have some really cute pots to look at everyday! 

P.S. don't mind the white bowls...I needed drain plates and only had one :)

As I impatiently await Spring to open her doors to me I will enjoy wearing warm tights, drinking many cups of hot tea, and sitting in front of the fireplace while it lasts.

BUT! This will be me again VERY soon!...

Comes from having a mom that likes to take pictures ;)


  1. Those pots are just the cutest ever! I can't wait for spring either. :) Soon, I hope.

  2. I've been thinking of planting some seeds in pots in my rooms also!! yours are just adorable. and I love those pictures. so excited about spring gardening!!
