Aaah what a wonderfully blessed Christmas I had! I hope you all had a very blessed holiday as well!
Today I am all packed and ready to head off to Winter Youth Retreat!
I started my glorious three week break from school off with a trip to my home town of Brooklyn, MI to see my best school friend Sarah. I love visiting with my oldest and dearest friend of about 15 or more years because no matter how long it has been since the last visit, we just pick up and carry on as we always do...chatting, cooking, eating, and listening to mainly Disney music.
Our favorite creation from this visit...breakfast cups.
Complete with toast, eggs, bacon, and cheese...mmmmmmm
These are so simple to make...heres the link:
When I got home Saturday to spend Christmas Eve with my family, we carried on our tradition of making homemade pasta noodles...
If I gave you the recipe I'de have to kill but really.
Following the noodles I attempted to make ciabatta bread rolls...*sigh* those didn't quite turn out as well... my defense...the website that I got this recipe from had a major do not bake these rolls at 450 bake them at 350!!! So technically this was not my fault!
Aaanyways. Our wonderful Christmas dinner consisted of immaculate steaks that my father grilled and the homemade pasta that we all made, complete with homemade sauce.
All in all it was a wonderful Christmas weekend. The whole family was home and we celebrated with great friends as well :)
As I travel to retreat this weekend, I ask that you would please keep the campers in your prayers and that God would do a great work in each heart there and also the ones that could not make it this year.
Thank you friends. God bless and have a wonderful week and a blessed New Years!
Remember to keep your eyes toward the Son and you won't see the shadows. Trust in Him...He has control of all things.