Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Hello friends :)
I'm sorry it has been so long since I last posted. I have been one busy bee! 
Today will be my last day of volunteering at the spay and neuter clinic! (yay!) This will be kind of sad because I made so many great friends there, but also very exciting because I get to start on my large animal volunteer hours, which means...Horses!!! 

I am also four weeks away from this quarter ending, which means...Clinicals!!! 
I would like you all to know that this time around for pharmacology, I have an A! 93% baby! I am very happy about this. I now have a better knowledge of medicine and how it works! 
At the end of this four weeks my family and I will be taking a small camping trip...I have been camping before out in a tent, thanks to some great outdoorsy friends of mine! My family on the other hand...not so much lol This will be quite the adventure!

Piano lessons have been on hold for a couple of weeks due to some things with school and my piano teacher taking a vacation to Arizona...BUT when he returns we will start up again.

I am now making a little bit of money one day a week, which is so lovely! And I am now saving up to do a few projects for my room, inspired by miss Hand Made and Heart Felt :) I will be sure to take pictures and post when I am done!!! 

I wish I had much more exciting things to talk about for you...if there is anyone reading this at all lol But who knows, maybe after I graduate I can do a cool challenge like the Julie and Julia project! As for now...you are stuck with my boring college life and the exciting things I do in between...which doesn't happen very often :)

I would like to encourage you all to head to my church's website and listen to the sermon from this past Sunday, 8/28/11, by Bro. Paul LaFontaine. It was very inspiring and encouraging! 
Go to literallife.org and click on the 'Archives' tab, and then 'Video'. 
You will not regret it! 

So friends, until next time, I bid you all good day :) 
I will try to come up with something a little more amusing next time ;) 

Gad bless and have a wonderful day!


  1. Oh My Goodness!!! That would be sooo fantastic if you did the Julie and Julia challange :) I can't wait to see the projects you are doing for your room!!!! I'm really glad you are starting a volunteer job that your heart is happy in! I think you would make the best out of any of those jobs, but I am always happy when someone finds their nitch! One of the greatest things in the world :) Thanks for the update, I always enjoy them! I love your churches website! Super easy to navigate around and always encouraging! I appreciate Bro. Laufonatines ministry! Rich blessings :) *hugs*

  2. Well thank you very much :) I always love your comments.
