Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tea Time

Hello again dear friends :)

Today I would like to discuss the art of tea time. Yes...tea time is an art. I believe every girl should take some time out of her day and sit and enjoy a nice hot cup of tea. This is much easier to accomplish in the Fall to Spring months, summer usually being too warm to enjoy this delightful drink. 

I must admit, there is a simple relaxation in enjoying a hot cup o' tea in a quiet place by yourself, preferably in the early mornings when everyone is still asleep but nature is just starting to stir...but there is something as equally as relaxing as tea by yourself...and that is tea with friends! 

Women have been doing this for many, many years! My dear friend, Olivia, and I meet as often as we can for tea, cookies, and encouraging chit-chats. We have spent many conversations over tea with each other, and they always end in hugs and a full heart of friendship. 

Next time you have a quiet moment alone, a friend calls you in need of cheering up, or you are having some girlfriends over...brew up a nice cup of hot tea, add a splash of cream and sugar...and enjoy the simple, elegant pleasure of 
tea time :)

My friend Olivia and I at her Wedding shower/ tea party 