Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Sufficiency of Christ

I have come to find that Wednesday night services are great times of spiritual refreshment for me. When I came home tonight and sat down to do devotions before I got too tired, I was trying to think of where I wanted to read in my Bible. 
This is something I have been having a hard time with lately. I want to read but I don't know where, and most of the time it is something I don't understand, which gets frustrating. 
Tonight was different though. I was looking through the books of the Bible trying to find somewhere I haven't read before, when I came to Colossians chapter 2. 

Have you ever had the thought that you wished you could just see God for a moment to know that He is really there? Just something to hold onto so you can say in times of doubt, I know God is real. 
Well this part of Colossians chapter 2 that I'm going to share with you gave me great comfort.

Colossians 2:1-7
1For I would that ye knew what great conflict I have for you, and for them at Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in flesh;
2That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God and of the Father, and of Christ;
3In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
4And this I say, lest any man should beguile you with enticing words,
5For though I be absent in the flesh, yet I am with you in spirit, joying and beholding your order, and the steadfastness of your faith in Christ.
6As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so ye walk in him:
7Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.

Always keep your face towards the Son, and you won't see the shadows.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Hello friends :)
I'm sorry it has been so long since I last posted. I have been one busy bee! 
Today will be my last day of volunteering at the spay and neuter clinic! (yay!) This will be kind of sad because I made so many great friends there, but also very exciting because I get to start on my large animal volunteer hours, which means...Horses!!! 

I am also four weeks away from this quarter ending, which means...Clinicals!!! 
I would like you all to know that this time around for pharmacology, I have an A! 93% baby! I am very happy about this. I now have a better knowledge of medicine and how it works! 
At the end of this four weeks my family and I will be taking a small camping trip...I have been camping before out in a tent, thanks to some great outdoorsy friends of mine! My family on the other hand...not so much lol This will be quite the adventure!

Piano lessons have been on hold for a couple of weeks due to some things with school and my piano teacher taking a vacation to Arizona...BUT when he returns we will start up again.

I am now making a little bit of money one day a week, which is so lovely! And I am now saving up to do a few projects for my room, inspired by miss Hand Made and Heart Felt :) I will be sure to take pictures and post when I am done!!! 

I wish I had much more exciting things to talk about for you...if there is anyone reading this at all lol But who knows, maybe after I graduate I can do a cool challenge like the Julie and Julia project! As for are stuck with my boring college life and the exciting things I do in between...which doesn't happen very often :)

I would like to encourage you all to head to my church's website and listen to the sermon from this past Sunday, 8/28/11, by Bro. Paul LaFontaine. It was very inspiring and encouraging! 
Go to and click on the 'Archives' tab, and then 'Video'. 
You will not regret it! 

So friends, until next time, I bid you all good day :) 
I will try to come up with something a little more amusing next time ;) 

Gad bless and have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tea Time

Hello again dear friends :)

Today I would like to discuss the art of tea time. Yes...tea time is an art. I believe every girl should take some time out of her day and sit and enjoy a nice hot cup of tea. This is much easier to accomplish in the Fall to Spring months, summer usually being too warm to enjoy this delightful drink. 

I must admit, there is a simple relaxation in enjoying a hot cup o' tea in a quiet place by yourself, preferably in the early mornings when everyone is still asleep but nature is just starting to stir...but there is something as equally as relaxing as tea by yourself...and that is tea with friends! 

Women have been doing this for many, many years! My dear friend, Olivia, and I meet as often as we can for tea, cookies, and encouraging chit-chats. We have spent many conversations over tea with each other, and they always end in hugs and a full heart of friendship. 

Next time you have a quiet moment alone, a friend calls you in need of cheering up, or you are having some girlfriends over...brew up a nice cup of hot tea, add a splash of cream and sugar...and enjoy the simple, elegant pleasure of 
tea time :)

My friend Olivia and I at her Wedding shower/ tea party 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

1st taste of a 2nd Spring!

Today is simply beautiful out! There is a gorgeous breeze, sunshine, big fluffy clouds, and the temperature is a whopping 78 degrees! 
It would be a perfect day for a nice picnic or some relaxing craft project...but alas...I am stuck in my cave studying for a test. So I will settle for a walk!
And hopefully if I finish my studying with enough time before church, I will attempt to do something crafty! 

I know this is short and sweet, but I just thought I would say, enjoy this lovely day!

Psalm 23:2-3 "He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

God bless!

Monday, August 8, 2011


The past two Sundays, our assistant pastor, Rich Hyatt, has taken the subject of sin. It's interesting because I think everyone has a different interpretation of sin. Brother Rich brought to our attention that sin is unbelief, and all of the things people may think sin is, (lies, cheating, drinking, smoking) are attributes of that main sin, disbelief in God. 

We as christians, if saved under the blood of Jesus Christ...cannot sin. We died with Christ on the cross, therefore we are not our own anymore. We are covered by the sacrifice Christ made for us.
Brother Rich said that when we can't forgive ourselves, we are basically saying that we have a better plan than God. If God has forgiven us, then that settles it. I have to admit, that statement stung a bit. I had never thought of it that way before.

I just wanted to encourage you today. If you have a past mistake that is tearing at your heart and you can't seem to forgive yourself...just know that if you ask Him, God will forgive you, wipe you clean, and will never remember your mistakes again. 

I love the first verse of Matthew West's song "Only Grace."

There is no guilt here, there is no shame
No pointing fingers, there is no blame
What happened yesterday, has disappeared
The dirt has washed away, and now its clear

Chorus: There's only grace, there's only love
There's only mercy and believe me its  enough
Your sins are gone without a trace
And there's nothing left now, there's only grace

Simple. True.

Have a blessed day friends.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I've got the bug!

Hello friends! It is official. I have the "Fall bug!" It all started when I bought a hazelnut americano candle. I had my room all clean, lit my candle, dimmed the lights, made a hot cup o' tea and with the nights becoming cooler...that did it! 

I am a sucker for those rich Fall colors, warm sweaters, and crisp air. And of course, around that time all of the bakers come out of hiding from the hot summer months and wip out those spices! Apple orchards begin their Fall festivals complete with hot apple cider and the craft tents!

Ah yes, as you can tell...I am excited for this. There is a freshness that comes with Fall, as with Spring as well, that makes you feel as crisp as the morning air. I enjoy taking walks in this season when the scenery is booming with fresh color. It's a spiritual reminder to me that something has to die to obtain new life. And all the way through that journey, it is simply beautiful. 

Now if only we could skip winter...

:) Have a blessed day friends