Hello friends! It is official. I have the "Fall bug!" It all started when I bought a hazelnut americano candle. I had my room all clean, lit my candle, dimmed the lights, made a hot cup o' tea and with the nights becoming cooler...that did it!
I am a sucker for those rich Fall colors, warm sweaters, and crisp air. And of course, around that time all of the bakers come out of hiding from the hot summer months and wip out those spices! Apple orchards begin their Fall festivals complete with hot apple cider and the craft tents!
Ah yes, as you can tell...I am excited for this. There is a freshness that comes with Fall, as with Spring as well, that makes you feel as crisp as the morning air. I enjoy taking walks in this season when the scenery is booming with fresh color. It's a spiritual reminder to me that something has to die to obtain new life. And all the way through that journey, it is simply beautiful.
Now if only we could skip winter...
:) Have a blessed day friends
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